Nursing Moms Room – Claimed
We would like your help in raising money to dedicate the Young Israel of Cherry Hill’s Nursing Mother’s Room in honor of Alyse Cohen Paris (Aviva Zahava bas Tuvia HaCohen). When asked about how she managed to raise four boisterous boys, Mom once relayed that she would “focus on one task, and only one task, at a time.” We believe that the Nursing Mother’s Room is a place that embodies this mantra – it is a place where mothers, even in the midst of davening and activities in shul with their families, will be able to pause and focus on taking care of their children – just one thing at a time.
Mom was extremely devoted to her shul in Birmingham, AL. She was pillar in her community and especially within the shul. She often spearheaded activities for families including carnivals and barbecues, and used her artistic talents to beautify shul functions by creating floral arrangements and centerpieces. Her dedication extended to wheeling a mile to shul each shabbos in order to be a part of the community. To this end, she often stayed at her shul for shabbos and yom tov after it relocated to the other side of town. We would like to honor her memory by dedicating this part of our shul in her memory, honoring her commitment and mesiras nefesh to something she believed in so deeply.
Sam and Atara